Mythbuster - Do Apples ACTUALLY Keep Doctors Away?

Author: Vienna M Doenni, PhD 

They say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. I am currently experiencing my second cold this year, so I did the only logical thing: I bought a bag of apples. Now that I started to religiously eat my daily doctor-deterrent I am wondering what’s so good about them, and if the fuss about apples is based on facts or fairy tales.

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Alberta's Multiple Sclerosis Crisis

Author: Romella Durrani

Imagine you are a woman in her 30s and have spent your whole life in Alberta. You have a range of health concerns that are unpredictable, and you are beginning to experience muscle weakness, numbness and tingling in your limbs, loss of coordination and balance, loss of vision, and you feel your memory and cognitive abilities have declined in recent years, beyond what is expected for your age. You go to your doctor and get diagnosed with a disease called Multiple Sclerosis, also known as MS. Your doctor explains to you that MS is a neurological autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to attack the protective insulator (myelin sheath) that is wrapped around your neurons. This protective layer functions like the protective insulator around electrical wires, which allows signals to pass through faster and more efficiently. When this protective insulator is lost or damaged, like in MS, this is termed as demyelination, which causes your nervous system to malfunction.

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Naturally Gifted?

Author: Rebecca Jade Williams, Ph.D.

When I think of people who are highly intelligent- for instance, people who demonstrate great verbal skills, or have a knack for mastering musical instruments- describing them as ‘naturally’ gifted seems rather, well, natural. But when we make statements such as ‘naturally’ gifted, we are making the assumption that skills and intelligence are hard-wired, or determined by genetic makeup. How true is this? Is our intelligence really something that we are born with?

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Alternative Medicine: Bunk or Brilliant?

Author: Erik Fraunberger, M.Sc.

“The Natural Way”, “Treat Tennis Elbow Using Alternative Medicine”, “Can Homeopathy Cure Male Infertility?”

These are a few of the thousands of search results you will find when using the terms “natural”, “safe”, and “alternative medicine”. On the surface, these articles sound completely innocuous with little cause for concern. This is most likely true of the remedies that they offer; however their efficacy is still up for debate.

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The Science Behind Feeling Like Crap

Author: Vienna M Doenni, M.Sc.

I woke up this morning with a pounding headache, running nose, a cough and absolutely no desire to get out of bed. We are approaching winter and I guess it is now cold season. But why exactly do I need to feel this bad, when all I have is a common cold? During my bed-bound research, I found out, that researchers from all kinds of disciplines, from evolutionists to neuroscientist, have tried to figure out the advantages and mechanisms of feeling like crap. 

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