Mythbuster - Do Apples ACTUALLY Keep Doctors Away?

Author: Vienna M Doenni, PhD 

They say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. I am currently experiencing my second cold this year, so I did the only logical thing: I bought a bag of apples. Now that I started to religiously eat my daily doctor-deterrent I am wondering what’s so good about them, and if the fuss about apples is based on facts or fairy tales.

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The Science Behind Feeling Like Crap

Author: Vienna M Doenni, M.Sc.

I woke up this morning with a pounding headache, running nose, a cough and absolutely no desire to get out of bed. We are approaching winter and I guess it is now cold season. But why exactly do I need to feel this bad, when all I have is a common cold? During my bed-bound research, I found out, that researchers from all kinds of disciplines, from evolutionists to neuroscientist, have tried to figure out the advantages and mechanisms of feeling like crap. 

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What Justin Bieber and Snickers have in common

Author: Vienna M Doenni, PhD

Scientists like I, always try our best to understand the brain. What excites us everyday is often what we find exciting to work on: Why is skydiving such a thrill, how does chocolate make us happier, and why is playing a computer game just so addictive? One thing we have struggled for years to understand is music. Why do we get goose bumps when we hear our favourite song, and how is it that some music can always get us into a great mood?

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